Saturday, November 12, 2016

One Man's Trash

Anne at Summer Camp
One man (or woman)'s trash can be another man's treasure. And so it goes with this necklace. Last summer Anne was away at camp and one of her cabin mates was about to throw out a string of wooden beads claiming "what will I do with these? no one wants these do they?" Anne jumped into action "I bet my mom could do something with those." 

That's my girl! She stuck them in her duffel and handed them to me a few weeks later. Only to sit in my stash for awhile, but then I remembered I had this amazing wooden bib piece with a hand painted henna pattern on it from Summer Wind. When I bought it I had absolutely no idea what I might do with it, but when I put the string of beads up next to it, it was as if they were made for each other. I love when that happens.


  1. The beads match perfectly! Way to go Anne, rescuing those beads!!!

  2. How beautiful! I am so happy Anne rescued these beads! It does look like they were made for each other! Anne is so cute!

  3. They really were made for each other! Funny where all the bits and pieces come from and eventually form a whole.

    (Dave took our date night and got the internet working again!!! It took him three hours and a lot of cursing! Maybe we will have a date early in the day tomorrow instead! He just this moment got it working and told me to check my computer...and here I am!)

  4. serendipity! What a great story!
    Yay for Anne!

  5. She is a smart girl. Reuse, recycle! The necklace is a beauty. I remember coming home from a cruise with a strand of free little shells. I knew I would never wear the strand. Years later I used those darling shells in other jewelry for custom pieces!

  6. I clicked over to check out Summer Wind - she has such lovely pieces! Also, I love Anne's Totoro shirt. =)

  7. Thank goodness she rescued the beads. Clever girl :)

  8. What a great the henna work. And what a perfect use for those wooden beads!

  9. It is a wonderful thing when that happens! They make a perfect piece together, along with your talents and your girls smarts!

  10. They do match very well.
    Do you wear it or does Anne?

  11. Beautiful girl!!!! Nice piece!!!
    Have a nice day!!!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


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